Zen Meditation group in Atlanta - find inner peace!
Join us for the next Zen Meditation class on Tuesday April 15 at 7pm!
Meditation classes (and all events) are FREE! |
Dharma Jewel Monastery - Atlanta Zen Buddhist Temple
2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta GA 30345 770-939-5008 Other Cities | 中文 |
Calm the mind to find our intrinsic freedom. Join us for mindfulness practice:
- Beginner's Zen Meditation Class: Starts April 15 at 7pm!
- One hour open guided meditation, all welcome: Sunday Mar 9, 23, 30 at 10am!
- Children's Meditation on Sundays at 10am next 3/9, 3/23, 3/30, 4/27!
- Chinese Buddhist Ceremony (Sunday Service): March 16, 2025, 9:30am - 1pm
Register NOW for our Georgia Buddhist Camp, April 10 - 13!
Other Zen Meditation Groups near Atlanta:
法鼓山亞特蘭大共修處新道場正式啓用。 我們的定期共修活動(讀書會與一日禪)爲每週, 不定期的活動會另外通知。讀書會與一日禪每週輪流進行。
Atlanta Chan (Zen) Meditation Center, Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association
Chan (Zen) meditation practice retreat at Dharma Drum Atlanta - Sundays 10am - 12pm
Please join us in using the method of Chan practice to relax your body, free your mind from vexations, and eventually attain liberation.
Meditation Retreat and Buddhism study group discussion, all welcome, including beginners!
Walking meditation, sitting meditation, 8 form moving meditation
基礎禪修 , 午餐 (共享), 經行 , 打坐, 八式動禪, 打坐 分享 討論
The afternoon includes study group in Chinese.
Dharma Drum Atlanta (DDMBA) New location (residence): 4977 Dillards Mill Way, Peachtree Corner GA 30096
Free. We welcome your donations.
Atlanta Chan (Zen) Meditation Center Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association (DDMBA) is at
4977 Dillards Mill Way, Peachtree Corner GA 30096
All events are offered at no charge, donations are appreciated. We recommend wearing a mask whenever possible while indoors.
Join our email list, contact us info@georgiameditation.org to get notified of the next retreat.
法鼓山亞特蘭大共修處新道場正式啓用。 我們的定期共修活動(讀書會與一日禪)爲每週, 不定期的活動會另外通知。讀書會與一日禪每週輪流進行。
Atlanta Chan (Zen) Meditation Center, Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association
Chan (Zen) meditation practice retreat at Dharma Drum Atlanta - Sundays 10am - 12pm
Please join us in using the method of Chan practice to relax your body, free your mind from vexations, and eventually attain liberation.
Meditation Retreat and Buddhism study group discussion, all welcome, including beginners!
Walking meditation, sitting meditation, 8 form moving meditation
基礎禪修 , 午餐 (共享), 經行 , 打坐, 八式動禪, 打坐 分享 討論
The afternoon includes study group in Chinese.
Dharma Drum Atlanta (DDMBA) New location (residence): 4977 Dillards Mill Way, Peachtree Corner GA 30096
Free. We welcome your donations.
Atlanta Chan (Zen) Meditation Center Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association (DDMBA) is at
4977 Dillards Mill Way, Peachtree Corner GA 30096
All events are offered at no charge, donations are appreciated. We recommend wearing a mask whenever possible while indoors.
Join our email list, contact us info@georgiameditation.org to get notified of the next retreat.
Tzu Chi Atlanta Chinese School
Weekend classes in Mandarin and Chinese language and culture, for children and adults
Weekend classes in Mandarin and Chinese language and culture, for children and adults
Awakening Hour Guided Zen Meditation Sunday mornings with
Prajna Dharma and Venerable Jian Hu
Venerable Jian Hu (shifu is a respectful term for teacher or master in Chinese), a computer science and engineering graduate of CalTech and a Ph.D. in artificial neural networks, is a well regarded Buddhist monk. You can read more about Ven. Jian Hu and Prajna Dharma here: https://prajnadharma.org/
Prajna Dharma and Venerable Jian Hu
Venerable Jian Hu (shifu is a respectful term for teacher or master in Chinese), a computer science and engineering graduate of CalTech and a Ph.D. in artificial neural networks, is a well regarded Buddhist monk. You can read more about Ven. Jian Hu and Prajna Dharma here: https://prajnadharma.org/
Awakening Hour is a weekly online meditation session led by Jianhu Shifu every Sunday. All the teachings will be bilingual in English and Chinese. Meditation practitioners at all levels of experience are welcome to join by Zoom meeting or YouTube livestream.
Join Meeting: http://ah-meet.pdzen.org
Join Livestream: http://ah-live.pdzen.org
More Info: https://pdzen.org/ah-en
Event Calendar: http://ah-cal.pdzen.org
9am on Sundays (Eastern time)
Join Meeting: http://ah-meet.pdzen.org
Join Livestream: http://ah-live.pdzen.org
More Info: https://pdzen.org/ah-en
Event Calendar: http://ah-cal.pdzen.org
9am on Sundays (Eastern time)
More meditation groups and classes from home:
Please find a listing of online live group Buddhism classes at http://sfzen.org/virtualchurch and participate from home! View AtlantaBuddhism newsletters here Dharma Radio & Good Karma Music: American Buddhist songs - new at www.dharmaradio.org and also on Spotify, Apple iTunes, Amazon music, and more! |
We all need to find the compassion and wisdom of inner peace to deal with the myriad external problems our society faces in our quest for equality, freedom, and happiness.
Upcoming Meditation Events at Dharma Jewel Monastery:
All events are offered at no charge, but registration is recommended via DharmaJewel.us - Beginner's Zen Meditation Course next class starts Tuesday APRIL 15 at 7pm, everyone is invited! - Open guided meditation: Drop in any week for a one hour guided meditation, select Sundays at 10am, all welcome! Sundays in 2025: 3/9, 3/23, 3/30, 4/27 - Little Jewel Children and Family Meditation Course most Sundays at 10am! - Vegetarian Cooking Classes: Visit Dharma Jewel Monastery website to register your spot! Postponed until further notice. - Buddhist services: The next ceremony will be March 16, 2025 at 9:15am, all are welcome for this bilingual chanting-based ceremony. (Sunday service mindful recitation of sutras and mantras in Mandarin with English translation) |
What is Zen? Meditation goes beyond calming the mind, beyond relaxing, beyond focusing. Realize truth by purifying the mind. We hope you come and discover the joy of meditation and bring forth the wisdom within. Everyone is welcome to attend our classes and events.
Zen (Japanese) is known as Ch'an (Chan) in Chinese or Seon in Korean. Many traditions including Rinzai (Linji) and (Caodong) Soto Zen Centers are represented. Dharma Jewel Monastery is a branch of Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan.
Zen (Japanese) is known as Ch'an (Chan) in Chinese or Seon in Korean. Many traditions including Rinzai (Linji) and (Caodong) Soto Zen Centers are represented. Dharma Jewel Monastery is a branch of Chung Tai Chan Monastery in Taiwan.
Zen Ceremonies:
Buddhist Service / Ceremonies
Dharma Jewel Monastery will hold a Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony on March 16, 2025 at 9:15am - 12pm. We will chant the Universal Gateway of Avalokitesvara (Chapter 25 of the Lotus Sutra). This mindfulness chanting meditation reminds us to purify our mind and thus deepen our compassion and uncover wisdom within. We sincerely invite everyone to attend this event - recitation is in Chinese with English transliteration and translation. All are welcome. Free vegetarian lunch follows (may be on hold due to Covid). We need to profoundly understand cause and effect. By leaving the bad habits forever and upholding the precepts prudently, we can purify our mind and obtain wisdom. Concentrating our mind on kindness without movement (delusion) is called Samadhi. You can find out more about Buddhist ceremonies : More about Chinese Buddhist Ceremonies here English translations of sutras and commentaries from here or here |
2025 Zen Service Ceremony Schedule at Dharma Jewel Monastery:
Sunday service ceremonies include: Lunar Chinese New Year Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Ceremony, Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony, Great Compassion Repentance Ceremony, Buddha's Birthday Celebration Vesak Service Ceremony, Medicine Buddha Gratitude Ceremony, Qing Ming Memorial and Blessing Ceremony, The Diamond of Perfect Wisdom Sutra Ceremony, and Guan Yin Blessing Ceremony Upcoming Dates: March 16, April 13, 2025 at 9:15am Gratitude Liang Huang Repentance Ceremony 2550 Henderson Mill Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30345. Phone: 770-939-5008 www.dharmajewel.us |
More Zen Meditation Groups around Atlanta:
Silent Illumination Chan (Zen) Meditation Lecture & Practice
at Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association Atlanta - Chan (Zen) Meditation Center 4977 Dillards Mill Way, Peachtree Corner GA 30096 (residence) Introduction to Pure Land Method Introduction to Huatou Method Lectures (in Chinese with English translation) and practice followed by One-Day Zen Retreat Zen Meditation Chan Workshop Weekend and Seven-Day Residential Zen Meditation Retreats - at Tallahassee FL center Other DDMBA centers nearby include the new Tallahassee Chan Center, as well as the Dharma Drum Retreat Center in New York. Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association is now a global network promoting orthodox Chinese Buddhism and Chan (Zen) cultivation, founded in Taiwan by the late Dharma Master Sheng Yen. The US headquarters are at Chan Meditation Center in New York, while these activities are hosted by the Atlanta branch of DDMBA. More details here |
Zen Meditation Sessions
Meditation Practice at Dharma Drum Mountain www.ddmbaatlanta.com Free and everyone is welcome on Sundays , 10am - 12pm Plus, join Dharma Drum Online Practices every day! Zen Meditation, Amitabha Chanting, Guan Yin Recitation, Sutra Classes in English, Dharma Study Group in Chinese, group mindful sits, and more via Zoom and Facebook live! Dharma Drum Florida - Tallahassee Chan Center online events: Meditation every weekday morning, plus talks and more. Beginner's Meditation Course Now Online! Register at TallahasseeChan.org Dharma Drum New York - Chan Meditation Center online events: Chanting, meditation, and talks in Chinese and in English! |
Regular Zen meets: Drop in any week! All events are offered at no charge.
Zen Meditation in Lilburn
at Jun Dung Sa Temple School of Life Series, register with the temple Entrance to the left of the main doors, towards the left side of the main building. Newcomers suggested arrive a few minutes early to get settled. Brief chanting and gentle exercise, then 30 minutes quiet sitting meditation, then small group discussion on Zen topics. All welcome any week. Jun Dung Sa Temple 900 Beaver Ruin Rd, Lilburn GA 30047 |
Zen Meditation on Saturday Mornings
at Buddhanara Temple Weekly meditation and talk in English on Saturdays at 9am - 10:30am Sitting Meditation - Walking Meditation - Sitting Meditation - Stretches - Tea Korean Zen Temple in Gwinnett County near Mall of Georgia - part of the Jogye/Chogye lineage of Korean Buddhism Buddhanara Temple 2197 Gravel Springs Rd, Buford GA 30519 |
Zen Meditation at Emory University
Weekly guided meditation and Dharma talk with Emory Buddhist Club, every Thursday at 6pm while school is in session, priority for Emory students, staff, and University affiliates. Zoom link https://emory.zoom.us/j/515025945 Emory Buddhist Club Cannon Chapel - either basement or upstairs main sanctuary, Emory University More Buddhist Meditation Groups
Visit our friends at AtlantaBuddhism.org for more listings and a calendar of events! |
Zen Meditation (Seon) in Korean | 참선 - 한국불교 Korean Buddhism Atlanta
Jun Dung Sa Temple 전등사 900 Beaver Ruin Rd, Lilburn GA 30047 | www.atlantajundungsa.org Buddhanara Temple 붓다나라 템플 2197 Gravel Springs Rd, Buford GA 30519 | www.buddhanara.net Dong Wha Sa Temple 애틀랜타 동화사 3282 Cruze Rd, Lawrenceville GA 30044 and 1011-A Horseshoe Rd, Augusta GA 30906 www.atldongwhasa.com 정기법회: 매주 일요일 오전 11시 Duluth Suwanee area 한국어 정기 법회 및 청년부 법회 (영어) - 일요일 오전 11시; 점심 공양 후 기타 활동 ; 성인부: 합창단 활동; 어린이: 한글학교, 사물놀이 강습, 등 |
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